Sunday, December 9, 2012

Our first posting

Welcome to the very first posting to this blog. In the weeks to come you will find information on water right here. All kinds of water! Did you know there are different kinds of water? Now I am not talking about sea water, river water, lake and stream water, pool water or anything like that. I am talking about the water we drink, or don’t drink. I will be talking about the importance of drinking water, what kind of water is best for drinking and I may touch on health subjects from time to time relating back to water. For now, I will just say this. During the holiday season, along with everything else we consume…all those goodies, drinks and heavy meals, don’t forget to have some water. Cool, clean, purified water. It will do YOUR body good! Happy Holidays! P.S.- Don't forget to follow this blog so you will know when I post next!